course offerings

College Prep is a home for ideas, discovery, and engagement.
Our academic offerings are buoyed by our warm culture and inspiring location adjacent to the city, nestled in a verdant valley campus. Led by exceptional and caring teachers, mentors, and coaches, students explore and extend their abilities, test their ideas, question assumptions, grapple with ethical issues, and acquire the skills to be positive and productive citizens. 
We nurture our students’ intellect, engage their curiosity, and encourage them to develop enduring habits of mind. Students build lasting relationships with each other and savor the unique time that is high school in a culture that is rooted in respect and empathy.
We foster an understanding of leadership and interdependence that starts in our open-air Oakland campus and extends to our greater community. Students have space to think, play, and express themselves while rooted in the rich history and opportunities of the broader Bay Area. 
We learn from and with one another in a kind, collaborative, and uplifting community. We challenge our students to engage deeply in learning and appreciate one another so that they grow into adults who are intellectually adventurous, ethically sure-footed, and generous of heart and spirit.

Sample Ninth Grade Schedule

List of 2 items.


    : Minimum requirement is 2 years
    English: Minimum requirement is 4 years (English I, English II, English Seminars)
    History: Minimum requirement is 3 years (Asian Worlds, The Atlantic World, The U.S. and the World)
    Math: Minimum requirement is through Level 3
    Science: Minimum requirement is 3 years (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
    World Language: Minimum requirement is through Level III

    Connections and Advisory Program (CAP): 9th Grade
    Wellness and Decision Making: 10th Grade
    Life Prep: 11th and 12th Grades
    Recreation, Health, and Fitness (RHF): 3 years or 4 seasons of sports, or 3 years of dance
    Intraterm: 4 years

    College Prep is on a semester system. Students receive progress reports at the midterm; semester grades and grade reports are provided at the end of each semester. In order to give our newest students time to adjust to high school, the final grade for each yearlong ninth grade course is given at the end of the year rather than at the semester break. All grade reports feature teachers’ observations and guidance, both of which are individualized for each student, as well as letter grades. 

La Escuela Preparatoria de la Universidad

mens conscia recti

una mente consciente de lo que es correcto