learning services

At College Prep we realize that all students learn in their own unique ways. The Director of Learning Services offers individualized support in executive functioning, self-advocacy, and strategies for effective studying, test-taking, and learning.
Although available to meet with all students, the Director of Learning Services also provides specific support for students with diagnosed learning differences and works closely with teachers, advisors, and administrators to provide accommodations and academic support that will help students with identified learning differences thrive in high school and beyond. Additionally, our Math and Science Support Specialist oversees the Learning Center and provides individualized and group support in physics, chemistry and all levels of math.

Lista de 1 artículos.

  • Accessing Accommodations at College Prep

    In order to access accommodations at College Prep, a student must have a formal diagnosis and documentation that meets the following criteria. These are standard criteria used across many educational and testing settings to determine eligibility for accommodations. The documentation must:
    1. State the specific disability as diagnosed: The diagnosis should be made by a person with appropriate professional credentials and should relate the disability to the applicable professional standards (typically DSM-V).
    2. Be current: The diagnostic testing should have occurred within five years of the request for accommodations. For psychiatric diagnoses, an annual evaluation update must be within 12 months of the request for accommodations.
    3. Provide relevant educational, developmental and medical history.
    4. Describe the comprehensive testing and techniques used to arrive at the diagnosis. Include test results with subtest scores for all tests.
    5. Describe the functional limitations. Explain how the disability impacts the student’s daily functioning.
    6. Describe the requested accommodations, including the amount of extended time required, with a rationale connecting each accommodation to the functional limitation.
    7. Establish the professional credentials of the evaluator (license, certification).
    For other conditions that impact learning but do not fall under the Learning Differences category, please contact the Director of Learning Services to discuss relevant documentation and next steps.

Lista de 2 miembros.

  • Photo of Amelia Sitter

    Amelia Sitter 

    Director of Learning Services
  • Foto de James Campbell

    James Campbell

    Especialista en Apoyo Académico en Matemáticas y Ciencias
    510-652-0111 x255

La Escuela Preparatoria de la Universidad

mens conscia recti

una mente consciente de lo que es correcto