Name: Ryan
Graduation Year: 2022
Middle School:  Bay Farm
Hometown: Alameda
What's the biggest difference between middle school and high school? In my experience, the biggest difference is the workload. In middle school, we wrote one, maybe two essays a year, and in high school we are writing around one per month. Going from one and a half hours of homework each night to around three was rough. The jump from middle to high school was hard, but I feel like I adjusted well.
Why are you glad that you chose College Prep? I wanted a school with high academic standards and rigor, as well as a place where I could make connections with others in a tight community. These criteria were better met with Prep than all the other schools I applied to, so here I am!
What advice do you have for 8th graders applying to high school? Be diligent, and do everything early. Start writing your essays early. Schedule tours, open houses, and interviews early. The application process is a long one, and it won't help you if you are scrambling at the last minute to find an open interview slot, or put the finishing touches on your personal essay. Doing everything early will also save you lots of stress down the road.
What campus activities are you involved in? This past year, I was a part of Nintendo club, Korean Club and Hip-hop club. These weren't the most active of clubs, but when they did have meetings it was a lot of fun to hang out, play games (in Nintendo Club), or talk about each specific club.
In terms of sports I was the starting shortstop on the baseball team. I was able to bond with upper classmen outside of the normal school setting, something I wouldn't have been able to do without baseball. This coming fall I want to start Partners, as well as join yearbook.
What is your favorite College Prep memory? My favorite memory was during spirit week when our freshman team was playing in a dodgeball game. I am usually on the team, but during the time I was recovering from a broken finger, so I wasn't playing. However, before we started the second game, I decided I wanted to join the team, so I was subbed in. Everyone was hyped up and cheering for me, and I was feeling really good at the time. I remember the game being started, the other team running for the balls at half court, then seeing three balls flying toward me all at the same time. I got out in the first five seconds of the game! It was really funny because I was being hyped up so much and cheered for so much, yet I still got out so quickly.
What is your favorite place on campus? I love the gym because basketball isn't the only thing you can do there. You can also eat, hang out with friends, play games, or even do homework. The gym is probably where I hang out the most, so if you are ever looking for me and can't find me, try the gym. :)
What has been your favorite class? My favorite class has always been math, and that stayed true this year. I really like the collaboration needed in math at Prep, and it helped me meet a bunch of my friends.
What has been the best thing about College Prep?  The community. Everyone at the school is always wanting to help you, whether it is finding the nearest bathroom or how to solve a complex math problem. Another bonus with the community is that it is super easy to make friends, and that helps with the transition to high school.
Who is your favorite character from a movie/book/television series? I love Neo from the Matrix Trilogy. His character itself is so cool in terms of what he can do (I don't want to spoil the movie), as well as his story leading up to when he realizes his true power and potential.
Three unusual things about me:
1. I don't eat breakfast in the mornings (I haven't for the past couple of years).
2. I like to eat ketchup on everything including oreos.
3. I enjoy wearing hoodies outside, even when it is hot.

La Escuela Preparatoria de la Universidad

mens conscia recti

una mente consciente de lo que es correcto