• Julio

    Bryan Carmel ’96 and Paul Freedman ’96—Co-founders of the Oakland Ballers

    College Prep classmates Bryan Carmel ’96 and Paul Freedman ’96 have joined forces on a mission to bring the joy of baseball back to Oakland and breathe new life into West Oakland’s historic Raimondi Park. After the Oakland Athletics, (the A’s), announced their departure from the city, Bryan and Paul put their heads together to found an independent baseball team: the Oakland Ballers, or the B’s, as they are known by their fans. The Oakland Ballers represent more than just a sports team—they symbolize hope, opportunity, and the promise of a brighter future for Oakland’s residents.

    Bryan and Paul’s friendship began at College Prep, where Paul joined the School as a sophomore. “We were friends from the beginning,” Bryan recalls. Along with their other Prep friends, they spent countless evenings at Oakland A’s games, enjoying the era of Dollar Wednesdays at the Oakland Coliseum. Fast forward 27 years from their graduation, and their shared love for baseball and their community has evolved into a transformative project—the Oakland Ballers.
    Upon graduation from Prep, Bryan attended Columbia University before earning an MFA from the University of Southern California Film School. He went on to become an award-winning development and production executive and producer. Reflecting on his time at College Prep, Bryan fondly remembers influential English teachers like Nancy Steele and Harry Chotiner. As student council president in his senior year, Bryan forged a strong relationship with the then Dean of Students Andy Dean and was admired by both peers and faculty. His leadership was recognized with the prestigious Ruth M. Willis Award for service, character, and excellence.
    Paul earned his BA in Public Policy from the University of Chicago, and his career has been guided by a commitment to social impact and community development. He established himself as a successful education entrepreneur, founding and operating several socially conscious nonprofit and for-profit businesses. Most recently, Paul served as President of Guild Education, a certified B Corp that partners with Fortune 500 companies to provide debt-free college degrees. 
    Bryan and Paul’s collaboration building the Oakland Ballers began unexpectedly. When the A’s announced their departure from Oakland, Bryan was picketing with the Writers Guild of America in Hollywood, and Paul had recently left Guild Education. Paul texted Bryan, “Hey, I have a crazy idea… could we start a baseball team?”
    By combining their skill sets—Paul an entrepreneur and Bryan a storyteller—and shared passion for community activism, they devised a plan for the Oakland Ballers. The B’s join the Pioneer League as its first-ever West Coast member. Paul emphasized their mission, stating, “I strongly believe that the real value of a sports team is in its relationship to the community it serves. Baseball is a sport with deep roots in this country and a rich legacy in the East Bay. With the Oakland B’s, we intend to build a team committed to honoring that legacy and our community. We are going to bring joy back to the game and give Oaklanders something to be proud of.”
    With the Oakland Ballers, Bryan and Paul are not just creating a sports team; they are fostering a renewed sense of community and pride. Their journey from College Prep classmates to innovators in the baseball world is a testament to their enduring friendship and shared vision for Oakland’s future. The Ballers are poised to be a beacon of hope and unity, reflecting the values and spirit that Bryan and Paul have carried with them from their days at College Prep.
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  • Mayo

    Neel Valeti ’21 and Teammates Win Inaugural X Developer Challenge

    Neel Valeti '21 (photo: far left) and his team won first place in the "X Developer Challenge," a two-day competition where they had all-access to X API as well as xAI/Grok (Grok is X's version of ChatGPT) API to build a product. Neel's team built a Chrome extension called InsightX that adds an “analyze” button to every post. When the button is clicked, it provides insights on the post's factual accuracy, sentiment analysis on the post’s author, an “All-Angle View” on the post’s topic, and a search tool to find all of the author’s posts on a given keyword. At the end of the challenge, Neel and his team presented their project to Elon Musk and met X's engineers. Watch a clip from KPIX news here.
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  • Abril

    Advanced Physics Seminar, Waves

    Students in our advanced physics seminar, Waves, visited Meyer Sound to learn about sound waves. They met with audio engineers to see how sound systems are assembled and used to shape the sound in concert halls and theaters. They visited an anechoic chamber, which absorbs all reflected sound. They also experienced how 2-D and 3-D speaker arrays can make a small theater sound like a big one, and a big theater sound small.
    This hands-on advanced course explores sound waves and music, light waves and color, matter waves and earthquakes. This semester students have built musical instruments, radios, and telescopes, while focusing on conceptually understanding the physics principles behind waves.
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  • Febrero

    Intraterm 2024

    Intraterm is a one-week experiential learning program where students participate in courses that encourage intellectual risk-taking and adventure. Some of this year’s local courses include bowling, CrossFit, rock climbing, leather crafting, glassblowing, pickleball, and much more. Trips include cultural immersion and community involvement in Mexico, exploring the terrain of lava flows and geology of Hawaii, learning to surf in Santa Cruz, analyzing the dynamic intersection of technology, culture, and the environment in Seattle, and appreciating Black History as central to understanding American History in Washington DC ! See some of the action on our Instagram feed.
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  • Ethics and Artificial Intellegence—Making Meaning from Knowledge

    With Artificial Intelligence and its applications rapidly developing, College Prep continues to make meaning from knowledge through in-person discussions that cannot be replaced or replicated by AI. In guided conversations, students are examining ethical gray areas that AI technology presents. 
    When music is sampled without permission • Do artists and creators have the right to sue OpenAI for using their content? • When markets are manipulated using artificial intelligence and financial crimes result, does AI
    have personhood? •
    How is culpability for such crimes going to be determined?
    Students wrestle with these questions in a new History elective, Ethics and Artificial Intelligence, taught by Ian Beier. He introduces case studies as a way for the students to examine ethical matters within a challenging legal framework. “Anxiety about AI exists everywhere, largely because this disruptive technology is not regulated under any specific laws,” Beier explains. This course encourages students to assess and evaluate the diverse scenarios where AI may pose ethical issues. Classroom conversations are thoughtful and dynamic as students engage with relevant real-world challenges and their own use of AI.
    One real-world challenge that our teachers face is figuring out how to access evidence of student learning when ChatGPT allows people to outsource the creation of some tried-and-true measures. An essay once offered a window into a student’s thinking, but in the age of ChatGPT, it could just as easily be the output of a well-authored prompt. 

    College Prep teachers develop lesson plans that emphasize the importance of process. Much of the scaffolding around student discussions is built on a concern that students should not be outsourcing their thinking. The significance of how solutions may be derived, ideas are pursued, and conclusions arrived at, are emphasized rather than condoning the idea that students should head directly for answers. Assessments are designed so that students can demonstrate the paths they have taken to their destinations. They are tasked to explain the provenance of evidence and justify their conclusions, which ChatGPT cannot do well.
    Beyond the Ethics and Artificial Intelligence course, teachers across disciplines are reimagining methods by which learning outcomes can be measured. “AI can be a useful tool for repetitive or formulaic tasks, but we want students to understand where AI stops being a positive tool. When it starts being detrimental to learning is when it shortcuts the process that gives value to a classroom exercise,” says Preston Tucker, History Teacher and Director of Curriculum Innovation and Research. “We believe that our students want to learn, but AI can tempt a student to take shortcuts. By leaning into the social dimensions of learning, we can see that students aren’t taking shortcuts. When a student teaches a concept to their table group, explains their conclusions to the class, or debates the meaning of a passage, we know they are developing skills. That work can’t be outsourced.”

    College Prep teachers build learning experiences around human interactions and creativity, in the age of ChatGPT just as before. Developing their problem-solving skills and communication abilities in this familiar way, students prepare for an AI-driven world and are better equipped to adapt as the transformative technology evolves.   
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  • Enero

    CPS Week: Conscious Consumerism and Media Awareness

    This year’s theme for Connections, Pride, and Spirit (CPS) Week was Conscious Consumerism and Media Awareness. All week, a structured series of speakers, workshops, and hands-on activities were led by students, faculty, staff, parents, and community leaders. Collectively, we highlighted our purchasing power as informed consumers and investigated the ways our citizenship is linked to production and consumption. Topics included race in social media algorithms, labor practices in the cocoa industry, traditional Middle Eastern marketplaces, carbon offsets, mending clothing, mindfulness, “girl”ification, mending clothing, deceptive advertising, preserving fruit,big tobacco, microplastics, and imagining the end of capitalism.
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  • MLK Day of Service

    On MLK Day, some College Prep students and families joined the Parents' Association Equity & Belonging Committee in a day of service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They picked up trash in Oakland and planted trees as part of Oakland's Transformative Climate Communities (TCC) grant and the "Better Neighborhoods, Same Neighbors" Initiative, supported by Trees for Oakland, Higher Ground, and the Oakland Parks and Rec foundation.
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La Escuela Preparatoria de la Universidad

mens conscia recti

una mente consciente de lo que es correcto